Healthcare Providers: Medela

18 answers

Pumping & Breastfeeding

So, just curious how much milk do most of you get when you pump using an electric pump? I nurse my daughter (who usually only eats for 3-5min on one breast per feed) then I pump ( to trick my body into thinking she's actually eating more even though she isn't) & get out anywhere between 0.25-2 oz. I ony really get 2 oz usually first thing in the am if she hasn't eaten for 3 hrs (which is unusal b/c she eats every 1-2 hr/ 24hr). I am questioning whether I just have a "low" production vs. doing ok? I will be returning to work in about 3 wks...


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19 answers

Medela Manual Breast Pump

Hi, we were going to buy an electric, but spent too much on the baby clothes and decor. So now I have this manual one. The baby isn't born yet, but I heard you could "practice." The baby is due in 3 weeks, I have a 4 year old, but she didn't breast feed. I'm nervous. Any tips on how I can be successful? Thanks for any tips.