Health: Infant, Zyrtec

Results 1-10 from 20 articles

How to deal with mucus congestion with newborn?

A.M. asks from Montgomery

My 7 week old has a lot of mucus and sometimes she vomits it and chokes on it. I am terrified to put her in her own bed in case this happens. Our pediatrician has b...


Help with Sick Child

E.M. asks from Kansas City

I am needing some advice with my sons health. He is 3 years old, will be 4 in August. He has allergies to food, pets and outdoor irritants. He also has asthma. It see...


Stuck and Scared Part 2 Follow-up Questions Regaurding My Daughters Health

T.B. asks from Elkhart

Hi moms I had posted earlier under stuck and scared I did`nt have time to explain very well but I would like to go into alittle more detail befor answering hopefully ...



K.E. asks from Peoria

Thank you for all the responses on air travel!! I have another question. For about 7 months my 2 year old daughter has been coughing allot at night and sounding a li...


Dust Mite Allergies

T.M. asks from New York

Hello everyone . . . I was wondering if any of you have children that are highly allergic to dust mites? My 8 yr. old daughter started complaining of breathing diffic...


Eczema Advice

K.L. asks from Tucson

Hello, My 22 month old has very sensitive skin. Her eczema has begun to flare up again recently and I was just wondering if any of you have input on the topic. We...


Help with Eczema

M.A. asks from Minneapolis

My 6 month old was just diagnosed with eczema and I am trying to get his breakouts under control. The doctors are not so helpful on what is causing it (basically say...


Son Almost 2 Got Croup Twice in a Month and Now Bad Cold

N.C. asks from Los Angeles

My son contacted the croup after a flight and then got a lingering dry cough usually it went away after 2 weeks or 3 max but this time, we flew back from our vacation...


Singular for Asthma?

J.P. asks from Sacramento

Does anyone here have their child on a daily dose of Singular to keep asthma at bay? The pediatrician we just saw (son had a cold and asthma flared up) prescribed it,...


Recurrent Pneumonia

M.L. asks from Saginaw

My almost 3 year old daughter has had pneumonia twice this winter, twice last winter and once the winter before. The doctors are no telling me that they think it may...