Complicated Labor: Aquaphor

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42 answers

My Pregnant Niece Has Eczema

My niece is six months pregnant and has developed eczema on her hands, arms and neck. We are hoping this has something to do with her being pregnant and will clear up after and not come back, shes never had it before. She has seen a doctor and was given some creams and lotions. I've looked up information online, but cant find if it has anything to do with being pregnant. Has anyone else ever experience this while pregnant. And was it only during pregnancy and not at any other time? Thanks for your help


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10 answers

C-section Scar Extremely Itchy!

I had my second c-section about 8 months ago, and just recently, the scar has been driving me crazy. I feel like rubbing it constantly; not only does it then hurt, but it's not in the best location for public scratching. Anyone have a solution for itchy scars?? Thanks!


My C Section

hello just wondering what other moms did to lose the belly after a c...


23 answers

20 M Old Daughter with Diarea and Severe Rash

Hi Mom's, I need a little advise. My daughter has had bad diaper rash - blisters and all for the last 3 days. She also has diarea. We have been appling diaper rash cream with every diaper change and we are changing her diaper as soon as we know it is dirty. My question is, should I cut her milk out if her diet? She loves milk, but not sure if I should do that. I am giving her peidialyte. What are the best foods for her to have at this time? I heard yogurt is good? Is that true? I would love to hear what other mom's have done to help.


Severe Diaper Rash

I have a 10 month old that has severe diaper rash. She had a viral infection...