Vomiting: Toddler

Results 21-30 from 34,924 articles

Nocturnal Vomiting in Children

S.H. asks from Philadelphia

My 4 year old son suffers from periodic nocturnal vomiting, which simply means that after he is asleep for 4-5 hours, he awakes and becomes violently ill. He will co...


Does Anyone Have Any Tips? Nausea When Dealing with VOMIT

L.A. asks from New York

Thankfully we haven't had to cross this hurdle as yet. our DS is 13 months old now, and while he had spit ups as an infant, he hasn't had any vomiting or diarrhea. Me...


18 Month Old Vomiting

K.E. asks from Atlanta

Hello. My 18 month old has been vomiting 1-3 times per day for 4 days now. She has not had a fever and otherwise seems fine, other than being clingy. She picks at ...


14 Month Old Vomiting for a Week

K.T. asks from Seattle

My 14 month old daughter has been vomiting for a week (since last Monday). The first day was 5-6 times, and then 2-3 times a day. We have tried just sips of Pedialy...


1 Year Old Vomiting but No Fever, Runny Nose or Coughing...

J.S. asks from Reno

I recently started work again after bieng home with my 1 year old for his first year. i started on wednesday. he stayed with dada all day.when i got home he started v...


Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome

B.P. asks from Chicago

Hi Everyone, My almost 5 yr old was diagnosed with Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome about 3 years ago. She was on Cyproheptadine for a year and then taken off, however a...


23 Month Old Who Does Not Talk.........

T.H. asks from Terre Haute

I have a 23 month old and she is the youngest of 3 girls. Maybe I am just trying to compare her to the other two girls (which I know I should not do). She is not talk...


Toddler with Continual Vomiting

R.G. asks from Dallas

My daughter is almost 18 months old. This morning she drank her milk and immediately thereafter she threw it all up. We tried to give her bread, water, rice, bananas ...


Advice Needed for Baby Who Is Vomiting.

H.E. asks from Eugene

Over the last three days, my 8 month old baby has started vomiting for no good reason. His diet has been normal, nothing out of the ordinary has happened to him. His ...


Chronic Vomiting Concerns

K.M. asks from Detroit

Hi everyone. I have a 16 mos. old son who has started vomiting for no reason. This has been on and off for 5 weeks. It is always at night (between 7pm-11pm) and there...