Traveling & Kids: Toddler, Baby Bjorn

Results 71-80 from 345 articles

Air Travel with Infant

S.M. asks from Philadelphia

I just booked a trip and need to book airfare. I will most likely being flying with United because I have a ton of free miles I plan to use. My son is 14 weeks and ...


Baby Carriers or Slings?

C.G. asks from Chicago

Any advice on baby carriers for newborns and beyond six months? Feedback on pros/cons on brands like the ERGO, Baby Bjorn, Beco and Infantino backpack carrier would b...


Air Travel..any Pointers?

A.J. asks from Los Angeles

Hello ladies! I am taking my 3 month old on direct, round trip flights from LA to FL... each way is about 5 hours. Any pointers on what works?? What to bring..Seat ...


Airplane Travel with a Baby

J.H. asks from Missoula

My baby and I are going to be taking a trip to visit the grandparents in a couple of months. I was wondering if anyone had advice on airplane traveling, such as wher...


Travel with 4 Mo Old

J.P. asks from Tampa

Hello. I am traveling by plane next month with my 4 month old and wondering what I should bring to make it easier on myself. I booked the ticket at night 8-11 so sh...


First Flight/trip Away from Home with 10 Month Old

C.M. asks from Kansas City

We're going on our first trip/first flight with our ten month old & I'd love any advice: what to pack (i.e. the must haves) helping him handle his first flight ...


Babywearing Advice? Looking for Comfortable Carrier...

M.W. asks from Philadelphia

I am carrying my 3-month old daughter in a Baby Bjorn right now, but it's starting to get painful for me. Any advice on comfortable baby carriers to wear? I nee...


NYC Taxi

M.H. asks from New York

Hi, I live in NYC and have travled in a taxi with my 11 week old in a car seat. My problem is that the car seat is so heavy and cumbersome if I don't have someone to...


Kidco Peapod - OK for 3 Month Old That Can Hold His Head up Temporarily?

W.L. asks from New York

I am traveling early 2011 and want a travel bed that is light and easy to manage. Any suggestions? Specifically, the Kidco Peapod seems to fit my needs and the pricin...


Looking for Info Regarding Baby Slings

M.L. asks from New York

I am a 5 weeks away from having my second child. I attempted to use a front infant carrier (Baby Bjorn) for my first child, but he did not really like it and I found ...