Toys: Toddler, Bath Toys

Results 41-50 from 559 articles

Cleaning Old Toys

J.W. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, Just wondering if anyone has any idea on how to clean some old toys. My inlaws sent my older son a big box of Lincoln Logs and soon will also be sending Le...


Keeping Bathtub Toys Clean

A.F. asks from Washington DC

Does anyone have any advice on keeping bathtub squeeky toys clean and free of mold? I squeeze the water out of them after each time my son takes a bath, and lay them...


To Many Plush

V.P. asks from Madison

I have two young children that get stuffed animals for gift all the time. We have everything from teddy's the size of my two year old to ty babies that fit in the sid...


Getting Water Out of Little People Toys?

A.L. asks from Seattle

My dear husband thought that our daughter needed more bath toys, so he gave her some of her Little People to take in the tub. He figured out afterwards that you can't...


Baby Toys

S.M. asks from St. Joseph

This is my first baby and he is almost 2 months old. What kind of stuff do you get babies for christmas?


How to Keep a 17 Month Old Safe and Contained While I Shower

D.V. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms! I need your creative ideas on how to outsmart my 17 month old. Ever since he's been mobile I have put him in the pack & play while I shower. He LOVES be...


Flying with 20 Month Old

M.D. asks from Chicago

Hi- I am flying with my 20 month old next week. Do I need to put him in a car seat on the plane? Also, any ideas to keep him busy during the flight? He doesn'...


Toys for My Three and a Half Year Old

J.M. asks from Norfolk

my three year old girl has loads of toys already and my inlaws want to get her something for the holidays. What would you recommend. She has bike, dolls, books, puz...


20 Month Old Now Hates to Take Baths

J.W. asks from Toledo

My 20 month old has always loved her bath time, sometimes she would cry if we didn't let her take a bath. About a week ago, she stopped liking her bath time. She actu...


What Toys Do Your 2-3 YO Boy Like

M.R. asks from Chicago

So my son is 2 and I'm at a loss for Christmas gifts for him. He loves cars, but grandmas and aunties are getting him lots of cars, as well as the few other ideas I'...