Toys: Toddler, Bath Toys

Results 21-30 from 559 articles

Cleaning Bath Toys

R.F. asks from Chicago

Hi! Our daughter absolutely loves rubber ducks and all the little squirting plastic abth toys she can get her hands on. The problem is that after a while they all see...


Cleaning Bath Toys

A.A. asks from Dayton

Does anyone know of a good, easy way to clean the kind of bathtub toys with the squeaky hole in the bottom? My daughter has a ton of them, and they always seem to ret...


Toys for 12 Month Old

K.N. asks from Minneapolis

I have been asked to make a Christmas list for my daughter who by the time Christmas comes along will be 12 months. I am looking for ideas ... maybe your child had a ...


Mold Inside of Bath Toys

C. asks from St. Louis

Crazy question here... I have mold growing inside of the bath rubber duckys and squirters. It's so gross!! Anyone have any ideas on how to get it clean? Or do you ...


How Do You Bathe Your Toddler (19 Month)?

M.T. asks from Minneapolis

Hi, we've been bathing our son in an infant bath tub all along - it's a kind that the baby can sit either more reclined or straight up (has two back rests) - it origi...


Bathtub Toys

C.R. asks from Albany

Hi all you moms out there. I have a bit of an odd question. My son who is now a year old loves the bath. Since he could sit up in his little tub we introduced him ...


Infant Toys

T.C. asks from Indianapolis

Hi there I have a 10 week old and am looking for the best infant toys, play mats, tummy time mats, etc...any suggestions?


Cleaning Toys

B.S. asks from Montgomery

hi everyone my baby is due in a few weeks, and i was wondering how to clean the little toys i have for him. i have plastic toys and cloth ones, and some that are both...


Toys for the Tub

A.M. asks from Lawton

I was wondering what kind of toys in the bath tub do you guys recommend for a 1 year old , 3 year old and a 7 year old to play with in the bath tub??? I have a really...


Toy Ideas for 1 Year Old Who Doesn't like "Toys"

A.K. asks from Minneapolis

My little guy turns 1 in a couple of weeks and I'm racking my brain on what to get him. Thanks to his older brother, we have a house full of toys, but what my little ...