Toddler & Twin Beds: Miracle Blanket

Results 61-70 from 186 articles

Breaking Twins of Habit of Being Swaddled

K.M. asks from Dallas

I have been swaddling my 4-month old twins since they were born. They go down for naps and bedtime very easily and are on the perfect 3-hour cycle with feeding and n...


Getting Depressed Wondering If I'll Be Able to Handle My Child...

A.K. asks from San Francisco

I am so worn out, and I don't know if it's because my 13 week old daughter is completely "normal" in her behavior, or if she already has a "challenging" personality. ...


Up All Night...

R.S. asks from Dallas

Hi ladies, just wondering if anyone had any suggestions, here's my dillemma. I just had twin boys, they're 2 1/2 weeks old, who are perfect for me during the day...bu...


Why Is Every Night Different?

J.S. asks from Los Angeles

So i know my 8 and 1/2 month old twins can sleep all night because the do it almost every other night. One of them has gone three night without waking up for a bottle...


Help 4 Month Old Sleep Without Being Swaddled

D.S. asks from San Francisco

Recently we have been trying to get our 4 month old son to sleep without being swaddled at night. It takes him close to an hour to finally fall asleep!!! This involve...


Swaddling a Baby

M.G. asks from Honolulu

How old is too old to swaddle a baby? I notice all the nifty swaddle blankets go up to only 3 months.


Words of Wisdom for #2

K.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms! I am expecting my second baby soon...another girl. I was wondering which swadling blankets you think are the best? (With a bit of a stretch in them and la...


When to Stop Swaddling??

J.S. asks from Washington DC

Hello Everyone - I have an 11 week old daughter who still needs to be swaddled to go to sleep. She is now getting so big it is becoming more difficult to effectively...


Swaddle Blankets

W.P. asks from New York

Can anyone recommend a swaddle blanket that they love and really works? Thanks


Breaking the Swaddle

J.B. asks from Atlanta

My little guy is almost four months and we still swaddle him, and I'm talking full body swaddle. We started swaddling him again around two months because he wouldn't ...