Teething: Enfamil

Results 21-30 from 249 articles


A.S. asks from Birmingham

I have a 6 week old baby boy who has started throwing 1-3 hour long screaming fits. He has always been a bit of a fussy baby, but it seems to be getting worse. Usuall...


Need Advice on 6 Week Old Who Had Alot of Discomfort with Gas and Stooling

S.T. asks from Los Angeles

My six week old has ALOT of discomfort when he's stooling or just passing gas. I have cut cow Milk out of my diet and chocolate, I am about to cut out eggs as well s...


Calling All Moms with Eczema Babies!

L.W. asks from Raleigh

I don't seem to be getting anywhere with my baby's doctor so I need any advice I can get. For those of you whom have had to deal with Eczema, how do you know what cau...


Need Advice on Eating and Bedtime for 4 Month Old

L.W. asks from Raleigh

This is probably a strange request, but I seem to be running into the same problem every night. I need some advice. My sweet little boy is 4 months old, and we are re...


Advice on Sleeping Through the Night

S.M. asks from Boca Raton

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get my 5 week old to sleep longer at night? I have to go back to work soon and I am hoping to get down to just one middle ...


Spit Up

C.B. asks from Tyler

I am a new mom. My son is 5 1/2 weeks old and was about 3 weeks early. When he was born I pumped and fed him breastmilk. We had latching issues. I did not get muc...


Cereal in Formula

M.M. asks from Boston

My son is now a little over 3 months. He spits up a ton and it is often very chunky. The Dr says he has acid reflux. We have tried zantac and prevacid. We also ha...


4 Month Old Hates His Bottle, Help!

A.C. asks from New York

I've heard of "bottle wars" before and now I have my own at home. Our 4 month old son had been taking his formula just fine until about a week ago. He hates it! We g...


Frequent BM

K.K. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter is 2 days from her 6 month mark. For 3 1/2 days she's had frequent BMs. Usually she goes 2 times a day, max 3. But she's been going almost every time s...


4 Month Old Constipation

R.B. asks from Dallas

Hello Ladies, My now 4-month old has had a problem with constipation since about 2 months. The pediatrician's basic suggestion is give her juice- which we do, but s...