Spotting & Bleeding: Toddler, Ergo

Results 1-10 from 28 articles

Twins & a Toddler

D.P. asks from New York

I am 21 weeks pregnant with twins (will not find out sex), and I have a 14 month old daughter. I am struggling to figure out how I will manage with newborn twins and...


HELP!!! Insurance Unwilling to Cover Newborn Son Based on Some 30 Day IRS Rule

K.H. asks from Charleston

First off, I'm not a Mom, but since Mom's seem to have all the good info relative to kids I'm hoping you'll let me crash the party!... I recently was made a father f...


Just Found Out I'm Pregnant Again

K.H. asks from Naples

I guess I should be jumping for joy but I'm very nervous... My daughter is turning 1 on April 5 and I just took a pregnancy test today and it's positive. No we we...


Expecting Our First Baby, Need ALL Sorts of Help!

K.L. asks from San Diego

My husband and I are expecting our first baby at the end of January. I just feel at lost for what to expect about anything and everything. We are so exciting about ...


Can You Hold a Newborn Too Much- Building off a Previous Question

S.L. asks from St. Louis

I asked earlier for words of encouragement for having a newborn and a 2 year old and limited energy. I got a lot of comments on holding her a lot- wether or not to do...


Mastitis Problems & So Much Guilt Attached to Formula Feeding

R.W. asks from Gainesville

I have a 2 week old wonderful little baby. This is my second child and my second go around with mastitis.I developed mastitis with my first born as well as multiple n...


# 2 Baby???

J.B. asks from Denver

I am a stay at home mother to a 4month old and in the NEAR future around the time my son is around 6-8 months my hubby and I want to try to have another. The thing is...


Seeking Input on the RhoGAM Injection

A.H. asks from Grand Rapids

I am wondering if any of you ladies out there have had any experince with the RhoGAM shot...good or bad to share. My sister is type o-, and her dr. says she should h...


Climbing Stairs

V.C. asks from Seattle

Hello mommas. This is kinda a support question. I have a very active 15 month old little boy who is awesome and just found out I am pregnant again. I was super excite...


Does Dr Push on Your Stomach After Delivery? What Do You Think of These Products

A.F. asks from Provo

i remember with my two girls that the dr and nurses would push on my stomach after delivery. It is one of the most painful parts of the delivery. i know it is to help...