Soothing & Comforting: Tween, Playtex

Results 1-10 from 35 articles

Sanitary Pad Comfort for 11 Year Old Girls

J.L. asks from Oklahoma City

I have an 11 year daughter who has friends that are already getting their period. My friends moms are having a difficult time finding pads or tampons that are comfor...


Bra Question 12 Year Old Help!!! = )

T.R. asks from Las Vegas

Well, this may be a little weird, but I am the kid in this scenario. My mom keeps bugging me about bras, and I wear a sports bra, but she thinks it is outgrowing me. ...


My 10 Year Old Got Her Period Today...

V.P. asks from Dallas

I knew it was coming, and we had spoken about it several times this year because I'd seen other signs of development. She seems OK with it... a little embarrassed, b...


Tampons or Pads for 13 Yo

M.M. asks from Dallas

My twins are cross country runners. One started her period over summer and I am sure the other will soon follow. While I know it would be easier for them as athletes...


My 2 Month Old Won't Take a Bottle Anymore

G.L. asks from Dallas

I had a little girl on the 30th of May and have been breastfeeding her since then. I am a school teacher so have had the summer off and have been breastfeeding on dem...


Formula or Breastfeeding

E.M. asks from Pittsburgh

I am a mother of a 11 year old girl i did not breastfeed her i did not have the time i was 18 and single. I am 14 weeks pregnant and i am thinking about doing it now ...


Baby Won't Take the Bottle from Dad

E.G. asks from San Francisco

Hello Mamas! I am going on my second week back to work from maternity leave. My 4 month old baby boy, who has pretty much been exclusively breast fed, will not take ...


Baby Weight Gain and Something Else...

K.C. asks from Dallas

Okay...please forgive my ignorance...I'm a first time mom and I'd ask my sister, but she likes to exagerate everything and scare me. My two questions are: 1) My son ...


Supplies for Tween About to Get Period

M.S. asks from Dallas

My daughter is showing all of the signs of getting her period in the next few months. When I was her age, my mom had ordered a supply kit that had lots of different ...


Still Needing the Bottle to Go to Sleep

L.T. asks from Medford

My son is 18 months old, and altough I'm embarrassed to admit it, he still takes a bottle to go to sleep. Much to my dismay, he has clearly latched onto his bottle as...