Soothing & Comforting: Toddler, Pack n Play

Results 41-50 from 972 articles

Help! My 6 Month Old Refueses to Nap!!

M.C. asks from Dallas

I'm loosing my mind! My 6 month old comes to work with me and he refuses to nap when we are at work (he naps pretty regularly when we are home on the weekends). He'...


How to Get 21 Month Olds to Sleep in Their Bed

K.H. asks from Pensacola

Ok I need MAJOR HELP!! My husband and I have been trying to convert our 21 month old twins from their crib to toddler beds...We just took the front off the crib, it'...


Camping with a 14 Month Old

K.T. asks from Los Angeles

We are going camping at the beach and for the first time we are taking our 14 month old baby girl with us.I need advice on the must-haves to make it comfortable and f...


Pleading for Help on Getting a 12 Month Old to Sleep in Her Own Bed!!

M.W. asks from Peoria

I have a very content 12 month old daughter who will not sleep in her bed. During naps she wants to be held the entire time (sleeping about 45 min- 1 hr. in the a.m....


18 Month Old Is Out of Control

T. asks from Birmingham

Okay Ladies, I really need your help on this one.......... I have an 18 month old boy and he seems to be getting out of control. He hits me and throws things when he...


Sleep Problems in 10 Month Old

M.K. asks from Seattle

My son has been sleeping in bed with my husband and I for the last 6 months or so. Up till now, he slept pretty well -- waking up once or twice during the night to n...


Suggestions Needed for 16 Month Sleeping Habits.

A.M. asks from San Diego

I have a 16 month old girl who will not sleep in her own bed. We have a nighttime routine that is very similar to the ones that I see posted on this website a lot. S...


18 Month Old Corner or No

T.D. asks from Washington DC

should i put my 18 month old in the corner yet? he bites and hits


22 Month Old Fell Out of Crib!!!

T.N. asks from Boston

Hello! My son not even 2 has decided to give me a hard time about nap and bedtime. He was so easy before, but it all changed one day. I have caught him stradlling ...


Traveling and My 5 Month Old Hates the PNP

M.L. asks from Philadelphia

We are about to take a vacation and my 5 month hates his pack n play. looked at renting/buying a portable crib but they seem so small and the matress is horrible. ha...