Soothing & Comforting: Toddler, Pack n Play

Results 31-40 from 972 articles

Help! 3.5 Month Old Will Not Sleep in Crib

L.M. asks from New York

My daughter will sleep through the night in the swing with one night feeding. I am worried about letting her sleep in the there for to long. I recently put her back...


Yet Another 'Sleep' Issue - 9 Month Old Doesn't Know How to Soothe Himself?

P.S. asks from Philadelphia

My 9 month old son is still keeping me awake at night and I know it is my fault but I need some tips on how to fix the problem. Ever since he was born I would jump up...


Camping with 13 Month Old

S.M. asks from Minneapolis

Hi, My husband really wants to take our 13 month old camping this spring and summer. I wanted to see if anyone has any experiences, good or bad, they'd be willing ...


14 Month Old Waking up at 5:30Am

L.D. asks from Eugene

My 14 month old daughter has started waking up at 5:30am for the day. She still naps 2 times a day, and has always been a little different than what all the books sa...


16 Month Old Not Sleeping

K.H. asks from San Francisco

I am desperately looking for any suggestions I can get. My 16 month old, who hasn't slept well since birth (colic), is waking up anywhere between 11pm and 2 am, and c...


How to Calm Separation Anxiety in My 9 Month Old

K.H. asks from Wausau

My daughter will go right to sleep in her own crib but when I take her to my friends house and she goes to take a nap in the pack n' play she screams as if she is ter...


How to Keep a 17 Month Old Safe and Contained While I Shower

D.V. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms! I need your creative ideas on how to outsmart my 17 month old. Ever since he's been mobile I have put him in the pack & play while I shower. He LOVES be...


Co-sleeping 11 Month Old Climber

A.S. asks from Portland

My youngest child is eleven months old and what I consider a pretty good co-sleeper. Just recently though he has started attempting to crawl/walk over us during the n...


Found Bruises on 14 Month Old Son

J.S. asks from Dallas

I am currently leaving my son with my neighbor while I work. I've lived next door to her for over 5 years. She keeps her grandson, who is the same age, so I thought...


Nauseated Pregnant Mother of 17 Month Old Needs Advice

E.H. asks from Atlanta

I am eight weeks pregnant and I have a 17 month old little girl. I am so incredibly sick all day with this pregnancy (I can barely keep food down) and I'm taking med...