Solid Foods & Weaning: Exersaucer

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14 answers

10.5 Month Still Waking and Need to Wean Paci and Bottle Soon,no? When and How?

Hello Mamas, My 10.5 month is not sleeping through the night. He has never been a good sleeper. He has slept through the night (meaning all night long) a few times, but he is very inconsistent...and it seems like for the last month, he has been waking 1-2 times at night...and sometimes getting him back to sleep has been difficult. It started with him teething and now he is just waking up for feedings and cuddling. So let me start by saying he only uses his pacifier at naptimes and at night, but I have noticied that he has grown more...

Dishes & Utensils

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16 answers

7 Month Old W/ Reflux Feeding Schedule

Hi, my daughter is going to be 7 months on saturday and I have been trying to find a good schedule for her eating. She has acid reflux and gets 1 tablespoon of oatmeal per 2 ounces of formula in all her bottles(though i am slowly trying to decrease it so i usually omit 1/2 and ounce). I am having difficulties mostly with her breakfast. I was wondering if anyone has a baby with reflux who thickened the formula and how they spaced out their feedings. She enjoys ther solid food, especially veggies but I just don't know if I should give...


A Colicky Baby

Hi everyone... I'm writing this for my sister... She has a 4 month old boy...


Eating with a Spoon

I have a 4 month old little boy. Recently, our doctor told me to start him...