Sleep: Similac

Results 31-40 from 630 articles

Trying to Get 7Mon. Old to Sleep the Whole Night (9 Hrs)

A.F. asks from Portland

i have a 7 month old and i was curious if there were any other ideas i havent tried to get her to sleep atleast 8-9 hours. i have tried: feeding her b4 bed and giving...


Need Advise for Baby's Gas Problem!

L.B. asks from Dallas

My son is 12 weeks old and seems to have a problem everytime we feed him. First, the ped thought it was reflux, so he gave us medication but didn't seem to help. Then...


Three-month-old Gas Problem

N.T. asks from Los Angeles

My husband and I accepted custody of an 11 week old baby boy last week through the Fos-Adopt program. We are first-time parents and he is such a sweet little one. He ...


Overnight "Gassiness"- Possible Formula Issue?

J.C. asks from New York

My 8 week old has been having some rough nights which seem to be gassiness. It's not consistent, but every couple of days, he seems to have a hard time with gas and s...


Need Help with 4 Month Old Who Will Not Eat More than 3 Ounces During a Feeding

A.B. asks from Los Angeles

First, some background: She has a calm cheerful temperment. Goes down for naps without a problem. We put her on Similac Sensitive formula (lactose-free) when she w...


Advice on Formula

T.F. asks from St. Joseph

Hello all... I am having some trouble with my one month old. For the 1st week and a 1/2 after he was born, I had him on Similac Advance (that is what the hospital use...


Formula Question... Opinions Wanted!

A.R. asks from New York

Hello -- Okay, so now this is my third question about my son. He is 14 wks old, collicky (sort of...), gassy as anything, but so happy at times -- and gaining weight...


Best Formula for Severe Gas and Spit-up?

A.D. asks from Seattle

My baby boy is 11 days old and I am having a horrible time trying to find a formula that will work for him. I first tried Similac Advance and he had severe and painfu...


Fussy and Gassy

S.B. asks from Philadelphia

My baby boy is 4 weeks old. He is drinking 5 ounces every 2-3 hours. He was born 8 lbs 13 ounces. He is approximetly 11 pounds already. He is very gassy and wakes...


Formula Sensitivity?

N.O. asks from Richland

I am breastfeeding my 7 week old and he consumes way more than my daughter did at the same age. I'm having trouble keeping up my supply with him...especially in the ...