Sleep Training: Aveeno

Results 31-40 from 47 articles

Toddler's Sensative Skin

J.S. asks from Chicago

Can a toddler be sensitive to perfumy products such as fabric softner? My 29 month old has broken out on her legs on the back upper thigh area and now I just spotted ...



C.K. asks from Jackson

My daughter has started scratching herself "down there". She has been complaining about it hurting when she pees. Could this be a urinary tract infection? Is it ab...


How Often Do You Wash Your Hair?

L.H. asks from Salt Lake City

I know that we're not supposed to wash our hair everyday. I wash mine every other day. But in watching youtube hair tutorials lately, I hear lots of mention of only...


I Need a Diaper Rash Remedy!!

C.G. asks from Allentown

Hi girls- My 2 1/2 year old has been struggling with a diaper rash all summer long. It gets better and seems to go away and then as soon as she's near a pull-up of ...


New to Eczyma

R.L. asks from Spokane

My son was just "diagnosed" wth eczyma. He is 2 years old and it is driving him crazy. I don't know anything about this problem and would love any ideas everyone ha...


Diaper Rash

T.R. asks from Reading

Good Morning Ladies - I'm hoping you may have some suggestions for me. I have a 7 month old girl who has a really bad case of diaper rash. I've done everything - ...


When Your Looks Go- How to Deal

M.B. asks from Milwaukee

I can look at pictures from when I was 40 and I was still ok looking, not gorgeous but not too bad. Even my drivers license looks nice. Sometime around 41 something h...


Daughter with Terrible Diaper Rash

T.K. asks from Scranton

My daughter has had a very bad diaper rash that keeps coming and going. I have tried a couple of things but nothing is helping in the long term. She just squeals wh...


Baby Has a Terrible Diaper Rash...

H.L. asks from Washington DC

I am wondering if anyone has a good cure for diaper rash. I am trying to allow my baby's bottom to get air, applying Balmex, and changing him frequently. I am seein...


Help with Bad Diaper Rash...

B.K. asks from Philadelphia

This question may have been posted before, but is there any home remedy for really bad diaper rash? My 2 year old is getting over a stomach virus and has some leftove...