Sinusitis or Congestion: Older Child

Results 41-50 from 279 articles

Need Advice About Child Who Gets a Cold and Vomits

J.M. asks from Chicago

Everytime my daughter gets a cold she vomits. Its starts the very first day of her cold. The mucus drips down her throat which causes this reaction. She is 3 so sh...


Child Coughs Every Night

G.E. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 4 year old (just turned) and every time I put her to bed she coughs. She could be fine all day but every night she has this cough. It could be right as she...


Mucinex for a 2 1/2 Year Old

M.C. asks from San Francisco

Hello, My child has a cold and is very congested. A friend of mine gave her 6 month old a little dose of Mucinex for children. She said it helped a lot and her da...


5 Mo with Cold. What Can I Do for Her?

C.F. asks from New York

I am in misery. My 5 mo has a cold, runny nose, stuffy head, the works, and I can't give her any medicine to dry her up. She can't sleep well at all because she keeps...


Dr Recommending My Toddlers Adenoids Be Removed

E.C. asks from Dallas

Anyone have their child's adenoids removed? We just came back from the ENT with this recommendation for our 21 month old. She has had chronic ear infections and on q...


Has Anyone Ever Used a Chiropractor for Their Babies Sinus Issues?

D.C. asks from St. Louis

My 11 month old daughter has had a runny nose for almost two months now. She has red puffy eyes frequently. She recently was treated with antibiotics for a double ea...


Toddler Cold Remedy

T.C. asks from Des Moines

We are sick again! I think this is the 4th or 5th time this season! Argh, come on Spring. Anyway, my question is this. I have children age almost 6 mo and almost ...


What Can Help My 14 Month Old with Allergies?

L.Q. asks from Washington DC

I thought that my 14 month old daughter had a cold, but now I realize that it is probably allergies...sneezing, dark under eyes, rubbing her eyes and congestion. She'...


Hyde Park Mom Seeking Allergist for 2 Year Old

S.C. asks from Austin

My 2.5 yr old son has been to the dr. repeatedly for sinus congestion (sometimes w/ lowgrade fever)& itchy rash. I've been told it's a sinus infection & eczema but he...


Need Help for Conjested Baby

S.W. asks from Seattle

Hello moms! My name is S. and I have a 12 week old. We have tried everything for his congestion, the Doctor has told us that it will most likely take a year or tw...