Self Feeding: Toddler, First Years

Results 31-40 from 549 articles

Breast and Formula Feeding

D.W. asks from Rockford

Has anyone had success breastfeeding and having husband supplement with formula right from the start? which is the best type of bottle for this?


Weaning My 6 Month Old

A.W. asks from Phoenix

I plan on starting to wean my daughter after she turns 6 months old next week. I have about a 3 months supply of breastmilk frozen and plan on pumping until my suppl...


Feeding Baby Solids on Vacations (No Highchair)

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

We are taking our 11 month old on a long vacation out of US. We most probably wont have highchairs there. I hold and feed him when I visit friends houses who don't ha...


Pacifier for 4 Month Old

K.D. asks from Sacramento

My son is now 4 months, and wants to suck all the time! I breastfeed, and he either uses my nipple as a passie when hes not hungry or sucks my pinky a ton! My older s...


Four Month Old Will Not Take a Bottle

D.W. asks from Madison

I would really like my four month old to take a bottle so my husband can help with feeding but she refusing to take one. She has been breast feed only, and I've trie...


Leaving My Five Month Old

H.B. asks from Dallas

Hi moms! My husband and I are going to San Antonio this week from Tuesday to Thursday and initially had planned on taking our five month old with us. Well, today my m...


Activities for 10 Month Old

M.K. asks from Dallas

I leave our 10 month old with a nanny during the day and have noticed that even though he has a routine there are no structured activities. For example, he will have ...


Four Month Sleeps in Swing

A.Y. asks from Boston

My four and half month old daughter has always been a really bad sleeper. She needs constant movement to stay asleep. She has been sleeping in a cradle swing for almo...


Two Month Old Won't Take a Bottle

A.R. asks from Salt Lake City

I have been breastfeeding my 2 month old daughter since she was born & am having an impossible time getting her to take a bottle. My lactation nurse had my hubby sta...


5 Month Old Does Not Accept Bottle

S.G. asks from Seattle

Hi All, My nearly 5 month old son exclusively breastfed till 3 months. After that i have been trying getting him onto bottle with no success so far. Have tried lot...