School Vacations: Tween

Results 21-30 from 491 articles

Great Books for 11 Year Boy!

R.M. asks from Austin

I have an 11 year old boy who is a great reader....but who doesn't like to read...ugh....I need suggestions on books to engage him in reading. Any suggestions would b...


Is Your Summer Going Well?

L.L. asks from Topeka

I can honestly say it is going smoother than I thought.I was thinking they would be getting bored but no they are having fun in the pool going to their grandparents e...


Getting Ready for Middle School

M.S. asks from Raleigh

My 10 year old is finishing 5th grade and will be going to middle school next school year. Since I've already done this once with my oldest, you might expect me to be...


Fake Tan on a 14 Year Old Girl

A.S. asks from Kansas City

A little background first...I'm actually my hubby's 3rd wife. His second was the only mom my SD ever knew, so she is still Mom, even though sd lives with us full tim...


11 Year Old Period Problems/questions

E.P. asks from New York

My 11 year old daughter has been getting her period regularly since last august. Her schedule seems to be regulating itself to about every 24 days (ugh!). Other tha...


Summer Day Camps

J. asks from Detroit

I am seeking a summer day camp for my 11 year old daughter in Troy. Please let me know if there are camps which are fun, but reasonably priced.



D.M. asks from Joplin

just curious what time do you think a 6 year old should go to bed on a school night?


Vacation Ideas for Family Living in Austin, Texas....

R.M. asks from Austin

We live in Austin, Texas. We have a 4, 5 and 10 year old. I would love to hear about great places to take kids this summer...places that are reasonable priced, fun et...


Birthday for 10 Year Old Boy

K.C. asks from Phoenix

Hi, I am wondering if a 10 year old boy would enjoy a birthday party at Pump it Up? I have never been there so I don't know what it is like. I am also considering thi...


10 Year Old and Clean Hair

A.M. asks from Charlotte

I need some tips on helping my 10 year old wash her hair. It always looks greasy at the crown. It is about shoulder length. This has been going on for a few years ...