Public School: Toddler, Similac

Results 1-10 from 24 articles

81/2 Month Breastfed Baby Becoming Less Interested in Nursing

C.R. asks from Chicago

My daughter has been solely breastfed up to this point except for an occasional bottle. She still nurses about 5-6 times a day but lately after about 10 minutes she's...


My Son Won't Drink Milk..

C.S. asks from Salt Lake City

My son just turned 1 about a week ago, and he will not drink milk.. well Chocolate milk he will, and juice, and he used to drink water but now he won't have anything ...


Vacationing and Traveling with a Toddler --Advice and Opinions?

H.A. asks from Spokane

Hello Ladies! I was wondering if I could get some of your experienced opinions! We are planning our first "vacation" (not visiting family, just us away for a fu...



C.C. asks from Dallas

Hi everyone! My husband and I have decided that it's best for me to stay home with our newborn and our 2 year old. I have always worked, so this will be very new fo...



S.A. asks from Sacramento

My son had his 9 month old checkup yesterday and the DR recommended we start him on formula right away. James has been exclusively breastfed all his life, then starte...


Question About Formula Feeding

H.J. asks from Raleigh

I am planning on formula feeding our daughter. My question is will the hospital test out formulas on her in the hospital and then tell us what she tolerates so we ca...


Mixing Formula with Goat's Milk for My 9-Week Old

N.M. asks from Los Angeles

Okay people...RELAX!!!! I was breastfeeding. My son had a bad latch that was causing incredible amounts of air to be swallowed. It was suggested that I just pump b...


Breastfeeding Question

J.W. asks from Philadelphia

I have been breastfeeding my daughter exclusively for the past 5 1/2 months. I started back to work a little over a month ago and pump twice a day at work. I also h...


Anyone Else Feel like They Have to Justify Formula Feeding?

D.K. asks from New York

Does anyone else feel like they have to justify to everyone why they choose to formula feed? I never thought of breastfeeding as an option for my family. No one in my...



S.E. asks from Orlando

My daughter is 5 weeks old. We have been breastfeeding from day one, and have not given her formula yet. She is a little peanut, and does not transfer enough milk fro...