Puberty: Preschooler, Aquaphor

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38 answers

Almost 3 Year Old's SEVERE Dry Skin

My son's skin has always been real dry, but especially in the past year or so. I'm quickly running out of ideas on how to help it. He's almost 3 years old (will be three at the end of next month). He has big patches on his scalp that hurt him when I try to gently comb it out after his baths to get some of the patches out. He'll let me do it real gently for a little while and then pulls his head away and says it hurts. Baby oil to loosen them up and cradle cap treatment by Orajel have helped as little short term fixes. Both are messy,...


Bad Eczema on 3 Yo

So it started with a dry patch of skin behind his knee that got so bad we...