Prescription: Preschooler, Steroids

Results 31-40 from 217 articles

Allergy Relief for Kids

E.W. asks from Chicago

My little guy, 4, seems to have hay fever, although this year it seems to be the worst (for me too!) I have not taken him to the doctor for it yet, since I am trying...


Orapred ODT / Steroid for "Asthma"

K.O. asks from Detroit

My 3 1/2 year old has been coughing non-stop at night. His ped. tried some stuff and nothing worked so we went to see an allergist/specialist in better breathing. He ...


Seeking Info on Children with Eczama

S.W. asks from Dallas

My little girl is 5 and she lives with a very bad case of Eczama. We have tried everything known to man and it doesn't get any better im starting to not know what els...


Did Your Child Outgrow Exzema?

D.M. asks from Melbourne

I've seen a lot posted on here about eczema and there seems to be many mothers who have gone through it. My question is for those of you with older children who have/...


Viral Induced Asthma/ RAD / Croup

A.T. asks from Phoenix

My 3.5 year old boy has been having trouble with every cold he gets. I've been researching RAD and viral induced asthma. I think so far that may be what he has. I say...


Allergic Reaction to Amoxicillan?

S.B. asks from Chicago

My 10.5 month old daughter was diagnosed with an ear infection last Friday. We were out of town and the Dr. gave her amoxicillin. Four days later, I noticed what se...


Chicken Skin

M.O. asks from Denver

My 18mo. old developed a rash about 2 weeks ago. Her doctor diagnosed it as Excema. The rash developed over a period of 3 hours and eventually covered her entire tr...


Nephrotic Syndrome

S.R. asks from San Francisco

My son was thought to have allergies, and has just been diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome. He has low protien in his blood levels and high protien in his urine. I h...


In and Out of the Hospital with 13 Month Old

S.L. asks from Minneapolis

I have a 13 month old son who has had lots of problems with asthma. The first time he was hospitalized for it he was only 7 weeks old and it has been an on going batt...


Elidel Prescription/excema

J.D. asks from Grand Rapids

Hi Moms! I took my 3 year old son to the pediatrician last week for his well-child check-up. He has had excema since he was about 6 weeks old. The doctor gave him ...