Pets with Children: Toddler, Simplicity

Results 11-20 from 37 articles

Vacuum Recommendations

W.H. asks from Stockton

I am in the market for a new vacuum and would love input from all the professional moms out there! We have two young children and three dogs! I need a vacuum that h...


Housekeeper Needed for 1960/Champions Area

K.J. asks from Houston

Looking for housekeeper weekly who speaks English, drives own car, and is honest, dependable. My husband and I have grown children, so it's just us and our little dog...


In Laws Driving Me NUTS- Help!

L.A. asks from Dallas

So, we live in a teeny tiny apartment (4 of us and a dog), and the in laws keep buying our kids toys. Not little toys, but large toys like tricyles, scooters, rocking...


Birthday Theme Ideas

B.R. asks from San Antonio

My sister and I throw one big birthday party for our kids. My sons birthday is only 1 week away from her daughters. So for the family and friends we just do one party...


Need Help with Entertainers for First Birthday Party!!

C.D. asks from Dallas

My son will be turning 1 this coming month and I don't have any entertainers. I actually need more then that, one male bartender (for the dads), a catering company (m...


Suggestions to Tickle My 6Y/o's Creative Writing Bone. Help!

M.P. asks from Peoria

My son can write just fine (sentences, spelling words, lists, etc). Unforutnately, when they test him in school it is via a timed test where he has to write a story....


Favorite Oldies but Goodies

J.K. asks from Chicago

Movies that your kids loved or do love old and new such as Annie, Wizard of Oz, Charlotte's web and the Lorax :)


Helping My 1St Grader Become a Better Writer...

A.M. asks from Kansas City

Report cards were emailed Friday...She's above average in all areas except writing. Her sentences are correct, however, short and sweet. We sat down this weekend and ...


Do I Expect Too Much from My Kiddo?

S.C. asks from Milwaukee

My daughter is 5. It's just me and her (she sees her dad for 8hrs on sunday). She has a list of chores that she needs to do. Empty my lunchbox and hers, feed cat a...


Wondering What "A Day in the Life" of Other Families Is Like.......

S.J. asks from Houston

I'm a 35 yr old SAHM, married to my husband for 10 years, with a daughter in 3rd grade and a son in Kindergarten. I would just LOVE to hear how others describe their...