Patterns & Habits: Toddler, SwaddleMe

34 articles


T.P. asks from Tucson

Hello all, I've been swaddling my newborn (2.5 weeks old) at night only- with the miracle swaddle blanket... which we love! Should I swaddle her during her nap perio...


Looking for Ideas to Sooth a Colicky Baby

K.C. asks from Chicago

i'm about at my wits end and need some advice about colic. my month old son for about the last 3 weeks can not be put down at all or else he crys. at night it's worse...


Ferber Method

A.C. asks from Los Angeles

I'm curious if anybody out there has any negative feedback on the Ferber Method, other than the crying. I know advocates of it say it's the best decision they ever m...


New Mom

L.S. asks from Charlotte

Hi, My newborn son Isaac (10 days old) is really good -- most everyone thinks he is an angel b/c of how mobile he is and how well he does throughout the day. He l...