Patterns & Habits: Similac

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36 answers

Feeding, Sleeping and Schedule for Twins

We are proud parents of twins who are nine weeks old. The last week or two they have become more fussy and life has become a little more challenging. My request would apply to many topics including feeding, sleeping, twins, and the importance of scheduling. Our major problem now is fussiness that we believe is from gas and constipation. Yesterday we started them on a prescription stool softener. We are hopeful this will help. The twins are mainly fussy in the evening which leads our doctor's nurse to believe we may be dealing with...


SLEEP -- CIO Day 2

Looking for other moms who are letting their babies cry it out at night to...


Sleep Advice Needed

My 6 1/2 month old does not sleep through the night. She typically wakes up...

Sleep Problems

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17 answers

Similac Advance - Formula Question

Since our baby was born, she was breastfed, but needed a supplement. We continued using the formula we started on in the hospital - Similac Advance. She has been doing great with the 'ready to go' kind, getting less than 8 oz. a day supplement. I recently bought the Similac Advance 'Early Shield' variety. She has had non stop gas - starting 5 min. after she ate! I hate to think her little tummy is hurting because of it! Obviously I am not giving it to her again...but I am wondering if other moms out there had a similar experience? ...


Reflux / Sleeping

Hi moms! I have a seven-week-old son with reflux. This has made sleeping...