Night Waking & Crying: First Years

Results 11-20 from 297 articles

Breast and Formula Feeding

D.W. asks from Rockford

Has anyone had success breastfeeding and having husband supplement with formula right from the start? which is the best type of bottle for this?


Getting Your Baby Back to Sleep at Night

T.P. asks from Tucson

Hi all- My baby girl is 9 days old. She wakes crying about every 2 hours at night to feed. She feeds for about 25 minutes- I change her diaper and reswaddle her- the...


4 Month Old Not Sleeping Through the Night

A.B. asks from Milwaukee

My daughter has been sleeping through the night since she was about a month old. In that last couple of weeks she has started waking up to eat at least once and just ...


5 Month Old Still Waking Every 2Hrs at Night!!!

J.M. asks from San Francisco

Any suggestions on how to assist my son in sleeping for longer stretches at night. Our MD says he should be able to get at least a 6hr stretch of sleep by now, but h...


My One Year Old Won't Sleep Through the Night

J.P. asks from Tulsa

My son turns one at the beginning of January, he's still breastfeeding because he LOVES it and doesn't want a bottle or sippycup, and more importantly won't sleep thr...


12 Week Old Still Waking Frequently During the Night

W.G. asks from Denver

I have a 12 week old son who still is waking about every 3 hours at night. We put him down around 7:30 and he'll sleep until anywhere from 10:30-2:00 before waking u...


8 Month Old Who Won't Sleep Through the Night

N.S. asks from Chicago

My 8 month old daughter will only sleep 4-6 hours at night and wakes because she is hungry. She does know how to put herself to sleep and has gone back to sleep on he...


8 Month Old Has Never Slept Through the Night

Y.C. asks from Los Angeles

Okay, this is for all of you out there who have had babies who wake up every thirty minutes to two hours throughout the night. I have read lots of requests from moth...


PLEASE Help!! 14 Month Baby and I Need to Sleep Through the Night!!

C.N. asks from Los Angeles

Hola dear parents! this is my first time writing on here. I need help especially from those of you who went through something similar. At this moment I'm in the b...


Need to Wean 12 Month Old of Late Night Bottle

J.H. asks from Burlington

Hi Moms! So, I am trying to wean my just turned 12 month old daughter from the bottle. It has been surprisingly easy except for the 2-3 a.m. bottle. At this point she...