Myself: Child

Results 41-50 from 135,041 articles

5 Year Old with No Attention Span

J.N. asks from Seattle

Hello, My 5 year old son is in Kindergarten. He is a great kid and gets along well with others. The problem that we are having seems to be his attention span. He'...


Seeking Advice on 5 Year Old Daughter Who Is down on Herself

M.T. asks from Houston

I have a 5 year old daughter who will start kindergarten this fall. She just recently started telling me she hates herself. She thinks she's ugly, and she wishes she ...


Behavior and Discipline for 5 Year Old Boy

K.B. asks from Denver

I'm at the end of my rope with my almost 5 year old son. No matter what I tell him to do (stop hitting your brother; don't jump on the couch; go wash your hands for d...


5 Year Old Starving for Attention

K.B. asks from San Diego

Hi moms! I need some suggestions or insight on what to do about my daughter's behavior. She is 5 years old and she is a wonderful caring little girl, but seems to hav...


5 Year Old Doesn't Listen

G.D. asks from Philadelphia

Hello, I have a 5 year old daughter who doesn't listen. She isn't a bad kid in the sense that she hits or does things purposefully bad. But when I ask her to do any...


Help with Bed Wetting 5 Year Old

S.S. asks from Pueblo

My 5 year old has been night trained since he was 41/2, but he has started wetting the bed again a few months ago. He wets the bed almost every night and I am gettin...


A 5 Year Old That Constantly Lies

D.B. asks from Fort Walton Beach

I am about at wits end. I have a 5 year old little girl that has developed a lying problem. And I am out of ideas of how to fix it. Eventually she will tell us the tr...


Typical 5 Year Old?

L.W. asks from Chicago

Hi All, My son will be 5 in a couple of weeks. He goes to a Montessori school and has been for the last two years. As of late we have had numerous conversations with...


How Much Crying Is Normal for a 5 Year Old?

E.M. asks from New York

I’d love some insight because my niece “Emily” seems to go straight to tears a LOT over just about any minor disappointment, and I’m not sure if that’s norm...


6 Year Old Throwing Temper Tantrums

M.H. asks from Lansing

I feel like a hostage to my 6 year old boy. He has had ongoing behavior problems. Recently, I lost my job and have been around him a lot more. He goes to the boys ...