Money: Child, Albuterol

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7 answers

Tapering off Flovent and Decreasing Rescue Albuterol for Spring and Summer

Hello! My nearly 3 year-old has viral-induced asthma (only displays asthma symptoms when sick with a cold). His action plan that he's been on pretty much for 7 months is 2 44mcg puffs of Flovent every day and 1 pill of 4mg Singulair every day. Then, at the very first sign of a cold, for 5 days straight we increase the Flovent to 2 puffs 2 times a day and administer 4-6 90mcg puffs of Albuterol every 4 hours. This has worked really well in managing his cold/viral-induced asthma. I understand that the Flovent is preventative, daily...


Career or Baby

I'm 25 years old and getting ready to finish college. My husband is several...