Indoor Fun: Melissa & Doug

16 answers

What Occupies Your Young Children the Best

I am 33 weeks pregnant and, in thinking ahead to the days when I am in the hospital and my husband will be in charge of our four year old daughter and two year old son, I would like to purchase a few gifts " from the new baby" to help keep them occupied and excited, and give my husband a bit of a break. Other than DVD's, are there any toys you highly recommend, particularly for my daughter? Our son is in to everything trains so I thought perhaps a new set of tracks and a couple new Thomas trains. Although our daughter loves anything...

Movies & TV

See all 51 articles
6 answers

Toys/books for a 2+ Yo Boy?

I have a $50 Amazon gift card, and I want to spend it on some nice toys or books for my son. We already have lots of books but if you highly recommend one, I may buy it. I am especially interested in non-plastic toys that he will enjoy playing with in the next year or two. He already has lots of legos, a wooden stacking train, a playdo set, matchbox cars and other cars, a beginner Thomas set, wooden puzzles (he has outgrown). He loves pretend play (cooking/kitchen, and tools) so if there are any sets you recommend for little boys, that...


Movies for Kids

I am looking for a really good list of wholesome movies for our family. We...

Video Games

See all 106 articles
8 answers

What Gift to Give a 5 Yr Old Who "May" Not Know His #S & LOVES Video Games?

So a little boy in the neighborhood is having a bday and we need to get a gift. My husband was shocked a couple of wee he ks ago when he told me the kids were playing and this little boy "couldn't" count past 7. Now, I wasn't there, not sure how it all went down, but my husbband wouldn't makevup something like that. I know kids can be shy or just have a memory lapse like adults do, but I am leaning towards he does know, just not as confidently as we think he should. The only reason I am bringing this up is because we have to go get him a...