Grandchildren: Toddler

Results 61-70 from 90 articles

Seeking Help for 9 Year Old Granddaughter

R.M. asks from Boston

My 9 year old granddaughter has been diagnosed with HADD, since she was 6. She is now nine. She has been on minimal amounts of medicine. Her psychiatrist see's her ev...


How Can I Communicate to My 2 1/2 Granddaughter That She Does Not Have an Active

J.W. asks from Topeka

mother. My son has sole custody and the mother has not been in her life since July. She is suddenly at the stage of saying "Mommy"... Is she a mommy... I want a mom...


Lack of Acceptance of Family /Only Want to See Grandchild-what Do You Do?

C.L. asks from Indianapolis

My husband and I have been married for almost 10 years and we are best of friends. We are from different cultures and relgion but we both mesh together well and beli...


4Yr Old Granddaughter and Punishment from Mommy

M.N. asks from Milwaukee

First of all I love my daughter in law who has blessed me with two beautiful granddaughters! I went to see my 4 yr old granddaughter play t-ball today and for what ev...


Potty Broken Granddaughter Is Peeing in Inappropriate Places.

K.D. asks from Cumberland

My daughter has asked for help from you Moms. I never experienced this problem with my three children so I do know how to help her either. Here is the scoop: My al...


What to Buy 3 Year Old Granddaughter for Birthday

R.R. asks from Dallas

Tomorrow is my granddaughter's 3rd birthday! She is my son's daughter from a brief fling, and the mom doesn't allow my son to see her unless he brings $$ with him f...


Nanny Requesting to Bring Newborn Grandchild into Home for Care

L.L. asks from Dallas

Our nanny has asked if we would mind if she brought over her newborn grandchild to care for during the day at our house. The mother of the child is a single mom and w...


Sad for My Granddaughter Vent/question Long Sorry

S.S. asks from Chicago

This is a question wrapped in a Sad for my granddaughter vent. I am going to give some background first. My daughter is 29 she has 3 children. The oldest is 11 (H...


Seeking Help for My God Granddaughter Sleeping Habits

P.W. asks from Chicago

My god grand daughter is 3 years old and still does not want to sleep in her bed alone. Make excuses, talks, cries and does everything she can to keep from falling a...


4 Yr. Old Granddaughter -- Is It Acid Reflux or What?

C.H. asks from Dallas

We've noticed for quite some time that my 4 yr. old granddaughter will have spells where it sounds like she has something in her esophagus and it's trying to comem up...