Games: Preschooler, Melissa & Doug

Results 21-30 from 93 articles

What Gift to Give a 5 Yr Old Who "May" Not Know His #S & LOVES Video Games?

A.P. asks from Orlando

So a little boy in the neighborhood is having a bday and we need to get a gift. My husband was shocked a couple of wee he ks ago when he told me the kids were playing...


Toys for 3 Yr Old Boy

S.C. asks from Raleigh

Any recommendations for age appropriate toys I can buy my son. I'm hoping he's old enough for some board games or legos. Not only is Christmas right around the corne...


9 Months Pregnant with Preschooler to Occupy

K.C. asks from Medford

I am almost 36 weeks pregnant and am having some signs of early labor. My doctor has stopped short of putting me on bed rest, but advised me to rest as much as possib...


Teaching 3 Yr Old Abc's/numbers

R. asks from Omaha

For months I have been trying to teach my 3-year-old her ABC's and we are stuck on A, B, and C. She just can't get past these and still doesn't know those real well....


Birthday Gifts

F.B. asks from New York

Mamas & Papas- How much am I "supposed" to spend when buying birthday gifts for my kid's classmates, or for kid parties in general? Do you buy one toy or one outf...


4 Yo Girl Gift Ideas??

L.K. asks from Boise

We're going to a bday party and I need some gift ideas so I can get our shopping done. Any ideas for me? tia.


Christmas Gift Ideas for Boys: 8 Months and 3 Years

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

Hello! Relatives are starting to ask for gift ideas for my 2 DS and I need ideas. Nobody spends a lot so I don't want to suggest savings bonds, etc. and my DH and I a...


Ideas for Toys?

S.B. asks from Norfolk

I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old boy. I am just looking for new toy ideas for them, not the usual "junk" you might find that doesn't keep them entertained for lo...


What Toys Are Your 2-4 Year Olds Playing With?

C.A. asks from Washington DC

I've always felt like my boys do not have the right types of toys. My 3 year old being on the spectrum and not playing with toys has set his brother up! My little o...


3 Years Old and Not Listening

A.C. asks from Dallas

I am really struggling here. This past year has been very stressful for my family, especially for my daughter. My mother in law had brain surgery and then a stroke, a...