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7 articles

Wagon vs Double Stroller

N.L. asks from Tampa

So far, we've been making do with a single stroller for the 2yr old and making the 4yr old walk. But, we're looking at doing some events that are later in the evenin...


Carseat and Stroller Options for Second Child

T.H. asks from Sacramento

I will be having a second child when my firstborn is two and three months. I was just cleaning out my garage and was considering getting rid of my infant carseat/str...


Double Stroller Help

C.A. asks from Los Angeles

Does anyone know of a double stroller that will work with a Chicco Keyfit baby seat? I have been looking everywhere, but cannot seem to find one that will work with ...


Lightweight Double Stroller

R.C. asks from Dallas

I am in need of a lightweight double stroller for my 11 month old and 3 year old. I drive a Mercedes SUV with a third row seat so my storage space in the back is pre...


Baby #2. What to Buy?

J.J. asks from San Francisco

I am 6 months pregnant with baby #2. This time a boy. My friend is giving me a shower & she is going to mention to the guests what I need or don't need. I have all of...


16 Mo Boy Getting a Little Brother - Do I Need a Double Stroller?

S.W. asks from San Francisco

I have a little toddler right now and am about to deliver another one. Money is tight, and I'd like to make one purchase and get it right the first time. Not sure how...


Best Advice on the Eve of Having a Second Child

A.D. asks from Portland

My son will be 23 months when his baby brother is born this fall. That means I'll have two boys, both in diapers, and dang, that statement has me tired just typing it...