Family Pets: Similac

Results 1-10 from 194 articles

Has Anyone Tried Similac Alimentum Formula?

J.M. asks from New York

Someone suggested that I use Similac Alementum. My son is 6 months and gets real gassy and spits up a lot. He is now using Zantac due to a reaction to his Cereal. ...


Generic Formula

S.O. asks from Reno

Hi moms, Does anyone have any information regarding the generic formula sold at Target and Costco? I am just wondering if it is comparable to Similac and/or has t...


Is Coconut Milk Okay for Baby?

W.W. asks from Houston

I breast fed my baby for the first six months and I will be returning to work soon. I tried Similac Advance Formula and noticed my daughter got a reaction from it. ...


Mom Having Trouble with Formula

T.F. asks from Spartanburg

Hello Moms, I am a new mother of a beautiful 2 month old little girl.She has been really gassy with the Similac formulas.I have changed to the soy formula and now she...


Milk Protein Allergy

M.D. asks from Miami

My 8 month old DD has been on Alimentum since 2 months for a milk protein allergy and we are thinking of trying a different formula. My husband wants to go directly ...


Need Suggestions to Produce More Breast Milk

K.T. asks from Orlando

I am a first time mother to my 2 week old son. We are trying to breastfeed, but it seems as though I am not producing enough milk. I have been using Similac Organic...


Gastroesophageal Reflux in Infants

N.B. asks from Janesville-Beloit

My daughter has been Diganosed with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease her formula now is giving her severe constipation [[Enfamil AR]] so i was wonderin another good fo...


Constipation in Infants

S.S. asks from Houston

I have a one month old and his stool is always hard and like little pellets. He was on Enfamil Lipil W/iron. I had alwas heard iron caused constipation but his Dr. sa...


Formula - Store Brand vs Name Brand

L.R. asks from Detroit

I've been using Similac Soy. I've heard that store brand is the same thing, only much cheaper. Does anyone know if this is true? And can anyone recommend a s...


Allergic to Formula?

S.T. asks from El Paso

I have been pumping and feeding my 5 month old breast milk up until now, but my milk supply is dwindling, and I am ready to put her on formula. We tried Similac form...