Evenflo: Tween

Results 11-20 from 43 articles

Car Seat Recommendations

C.H. asks from Anchorage

I'm looking to upgrade from my current infant car seat to a bigger one, but am not sure what to get. I have a 9 month old son who is about 27 inches long and weighs ...


About the Seatbelt Law and Staying Home Alone

C.M. asks from Minneapolis

2 questions... After reading the question about the seatbelt laws it made me want to ask about my own dilemma...my mother in law takes my 4 yr old to a class once ...


Breastfeeding Baby Won't Take Bottle

J.P. asks from Chicago

Hello supporters! I have a 3 month old baby who really struggled with breastfeeding initially. He couldn't latch on without a nipple shield. We used a nipple shiel...


What Is a Good High Chair

K.B. asks from Charlotte

Does anyone have a good recommendation for a high chair that has worked well for you and your baby? We need to buy one and I have not done a lot of research yet but ...


Carseat Help

C.D. asks from Tucson

My daughter is almost 1 year and is close to out growing her infant carseat. We have an Alpha and Omega Elite carseat but I'm not too happy with it and really only wa...


Booster seat...already? What Am I Supposed to Use?

L.L. asks from Rochester

My toddler will be three in May. I have tried researching this online, but come up with no specific answer, so I'll try what I should've tried first...you guys!!! ...


Britax Car Seat Advice

E.U. asks from New York

My 4 month old has outgrown his carrier seat. He's 27 inches already! I'm looking into carseats and it looks like the Britax seats are the way to go. I'm debating ...


Exersaucer Vs. Jumperoo

L.M. asks from Boston

Hi, my daughter is 4 months old and her doctor said she's ready for the exersaucer. The only problem is I am torn between the jumperoo and an exersaucer. My daughter ...


Car Seat Question

G.T. asks from Boston

My 3 year old (who will be 4 in January) no longer fits in her car seat (5 point harness seat). It is not an infant seat - it is a Britax. We can buckle it across her...


Which One to Buy?

L.H. asks from Joplin

I have 3 boys--17, 10, 8--but never breast fed any of them. I am expecting my 4th baby in September and I am very committed to nursing this time. I do want to be ab...