Entertaining: Older Child

Results 51-60 from 310 articles

Car Seat Placement for 3 Kids? Mini Van Recommendations?

N.H. asks from Detroit

Hey ladies! For those who have 3 or more kids, where did you place their carseats? I have a booster seat for the 6 year old, a stage 2 seat for the toddler (she is ...


In Car DVD Players - Worth the Cost?

J.W. asks from Washington DC

My family and I take several long drives to visit family and friends. During the drives our daughter sometimes grows restless and gets really excited when my husband...


10-12 Hour Car Trip with 6 Yo and 2 1/2 Yo

J.B. asks from Columbus

Hello moms! Do any of you have any ideas for games/activities/toys to entertain kids on a long car trip? My daughter is 6 and my son is 2 1/2. We have a portable D...


How Have You Achieved a Happy Medium for Normal Activity for a Traveling Spouse?

C.M. asks from Boston

My husband travels 2-4 days per week. All different cities and often in more than 1 city during the week. We have an 11 and a 6 yo and he resents me completely for be...


Long Flight with 2 Small Kids - Ideas?

H.A. asks from San Francisco

Hi there, I'll be taking an 18 hr. flight (to visit family, in case you are wondering why in the world I would attempt this!) in a few weeks with my two little one...


Traveling with an 8 Month Old for a 5 Hour trip...HELP!

M.M. asks from Oklahoma City

We have never taken our son on a long trip and this will be his first. We are leaving tomorrow to go to Kansas and I'm not sure how he will act in the car. I have sta...


10 Hour Car Ride with 20 Month Old Toddler

A.C. asks from Washington DC

Does anyone have any suggestions for making a 10 hour trip more enjoyable (tolerable) for a 20 month old little boy? We just ordered a travel tray thing to help out ...


Car Trip with Just 1 Year Old

S.E. asks from Cleveland

I am taking a 4 hour car trip with my two boys, ages almost 4 and just turned 1. The big boy is easy. He colors and has a little computer and can keep happy just fi...


First Flight Vacation with Kids

T.F. asks from Dayton

We are preparing for our first family vacation (grandparents/ aunts and uncles too)with our two kids. I'm a little nervous about their behavior on the plane. My dau...


How Do You Feel About Kids Having iPads?

M.N. asks from Redding

My four year old nephew has his own iPad. Seriously, all his own...if anyone tries to use it he screams at you. He's allowed to download whatever he wants and even an...