Dry Cleaner: Maalox

Results 11-20 from 179 articles


E.T. asks from New York

My 5 month old boy has coxsackie. The doctor said it's a common childhood/summer virus and it lasts about 1 week. He's on the downslope since it began on Monday but...


Diaper Rash Solutions

C.B. asks from Kansas City

my son is almost 22 months old and has off and on had diaper rash, but it seems to be getting worse in the last few months. he just has a really sensitive bum! he has...


Severe Diaper Rash During Flu

K.R. asks from Boise

My son who is 15 months old has had the flu for about 4 or 5 days now and has awful and I mean really awful diaper rash from all the diarrea he has had. What can I d...


Severe Diaper Rash Help

M.V. asks from Philadelphia

My 10 month old was on antibiotics which we completed 9 days ago and she still has diareah (forgive the spelling) but worse off she has what seems to be an incurable ...


My 15 Month Old Daughter Has Rash on Her Mouth...

D.C. asks from Reno

On Easter my 15 month old daughter had what appeared to be a pimple on her chin, by the next day it had spread and she had many bumps on her chin and lips. Having a I...


Diaper Rash, Only It's Not!

C.S. asks from Dallas

I have been fighting a horrible rash on front and back of my 3 year old. You name it, I've tried it. Thing is, my sitter can keep her for two nights and almost make...


Terrible Rash, Please Help!

C.T. asks from Cleveland

Dear Moms, My almost 6 month-old baby girl have never had a rash before, but now it started and it is terribly strong! I have being introducing her to new foods and ...


Really Really Bad Diaper Rash!!!!!!!!!! Please Help ASAP!!!!!

A.M. asks from Dallas

my daughter is 14 months old and I have been battling with off and on diaper rash. I have tried everything. I have took her to her doctor and she gave me medicine an...


Diaper Rash

D.H. asks from Miami

I read all the responses to the diaper rash questions previously asked and have a couple of questions. My newborn (13 days old) already has diaper rash. Around her ...


Hand, Foot, and Mouth

C.D. asks from Dallas

My son is 9 months old and has never been sick...until today! Ugh...help please... I picked him up from his in-home daycare today at 2:30 and he had a very high f...