Dr. Visits: Toddler, The First Years

Results 11-20 from 398 articles

My 15 Month Old Is a Horrible Eater

J.S. asks from Pittsburgh

My 15 month old son is not a very good eater. He weighs just under 20 lbs. and is in the 5th percentile for weight. His problem seems to be that he likes one food one...


13 Month Old Eats a Lot (It Seems)!

D.P. asks from Minneapolis

I was wondering if I should be cutting my son off or only giving him a certain amount of food at meals. He is a big boy (27 lbs at 12 mos)and has been since birth. I ...


Tubes in Ears for 19 Month Old

Y.M. asks from Indianapolis

Hi. I took my 19 month old to the pediatrician to for the third week. He has had a non stop double ear infection...well we had a problem with him last year having o...


See a Doctor or Not?

B.H. asks from Detroit

Alright mom's I am wondering if anyone has had this experience and what to do. I have not been feeling myself at all lately, no ambition, very tired and just blah! ...


23 Month Old Sick for a Long Time...

R.B. asks from Louisville

My 23 month old son started day care about a month and a half ago. He has been sick since the first week there. It started with Mild fever, cold, runny/stuffy nose, p...


Concern with 16 Month Old

C.G. asks from Buffalo

Hi, My 16 month old stopped pointing from past 1 month. I must admit he pointed very less. Pointed few body parts but now he doesn't do it. However if I ask him to...


Doctor Referring Us to Children's Hosp. Because 1-Year-old Doesn't Weigh Enough

M.B. asks from Seattle

Our 1 year old boy weighs 17 1/2 pounds now. Our doctor has been saying that he was in the 25th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. She told me to g...


My 9 Month Old Daughter's Babbling

A.H. asks from Hartford

my daughter recently had her 9 month check up with her doctor. i mentioned to her doctor that i was concerned about my daughters babbling. she babbles rather freque...


Ok I'm a Little Freaked Out That My 13 Month Old Is Sleeping Too Much

C.G. asks from Dallas

I was very happy that my baby girl was a sleepy head like her mamma but my mother has been making comments over and over that my 13 month old is sleeping too much and...


Looking for Tips to Help My 1 Year Old Son Gain More Weight

A.D. asks from Washington DC

This week my 1 year old son had his 12 month check up. I was shocked that he only weighed 17 lb 4 oz. The Dr. was happy with all of his progress and says he is fine a...