Double Strollers: Nutramigen

7 articles

Baffled by So Called Eczema Rash !!!!!

T.C. asks from New York

Hi I have a 6mth old baby girl and over the past 3wks she has developed a rash on the top of her arm(elbow area). It started out looking like prickle heat and the...


8 Week Old Won't Sleep!

J.S. asks from Santa Fe

I'm completely at a loss what to do for my 8 week old daughter. She was a great sleeper when we brought her home from the hospital, we could put her down and she'd s...


Advice About 8 Week Old Son

R.S. asks from Philadelphia

Hi Everyone I am new to mamasource. I have an 8 week old little boy and I am new to mommyhood. Over the past few days he has started to become alittle more fussy. I c...


Will He Ever Take a Bottle?

R.S. asks from Provo

My son is almost seven months old and I have been nursing exclusively, occasionally pumping and trying to give it to him in a bottle. He hasn't done very well with i...


Walking Zombie Mom

B.V. asks from Chicago

Wondering if anyone out there has/had a 4 month old that would still only sleep in 2 hour increments? Longest stretch being 3 hours. Need some encouraging words tha...


Looking for Ideas to Sooth a Colicky Baby

K.C. asks from Chicago

i'm about at my wits end and need some advice about colic. my month old son for about the last 3 weeks can not be put down at all or else he crys. at night it's worse...


Crying It Out

J.M. asks from Los Angeles

I am at my wits end! I have two month old twins at home who will only fall asleep in my arms, and about five minutes after I put them down they start to cry. I have...