Double Strollers: Infant, Zooper

Results 41-50 from 52 articles

Stroller Advice for First Time Moms

J.P. asks from Boca Raton

Hi, girls. I'm first-time pregnant and so overwhelmed w/ all the stuff we have to get to prepare for the new baby. My biggest project right now is what stroller to ...


Help! Anyone Love Thier Stroller? How Do You Pick?

D.P. asks from San Francisco

And I thought having the baby would be the hard part! I had an easier time picking my last car than a stroller! I am pregnant and overwhelmed! I want something that w...


Stroller for Almost 3 Year Old and Newborn

M.O. asks from Chicago

Hi everyone. By the time our baby will be born my son will be close to 3. I am thinking at that age he probably won't be that interested in riding in a stroller but t...


New Mom Needs Help Picking Stroller

J.L. asks from Los Angeles

I am seeking a little advice from moms to help pick a stroller. I have an issue with one of my hands/arm. I have lots of pain and reduced strength. I am looking for a...


Light Weight Stroller Recommendation - for Travel and Regular Use

M.M. asks from Minneapolis

I am looking for a light weight stroller for my 20 month old son. We have a Chicco Keyfit 30 stroller (part of travel system) and is too bulky for travel. We will be ...


Seeking Recommendations on Lightweight Strollers

J.C. asks from Chicago

I am looking to transition from our Quattro Tour Travel sysytem stroller to a lightweight stroller for my nearly one year old. I am looking at Zooper, Maclaren, and C...



J.K. asks from Phoenix

Has anyone used a double stroller that they would recommend?


Baby Jogger Suggestions

E.M. asks from New York

I am getting ready to buy a baby jogger and would greatly appreciate any recommendations on which one to get - there are so many choices. Thanks!


Strollers & Carseats

J.R. asks from Dallas

Hi, we are due for our first in four months. I'm starting to research strollers & carseats before we register. Right now the top contenders are a couple of the Graco...


Jogging Strollers Vs. Bike Trailers

J.R. asks from Minneapolis

My child is 2 months old & I am anxious to get outside once it stops snowing! What is the best investment- a jogging stroller or a bike trailer with accessories (ie....