Crushes & Dating: Nuby

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28 answers

Need Help Getting My 13Month Old off Her Nighttime Bottle

At 12months my pediatrician said to take our daughter off the bottle completely. I was surprised because she was born 3 months early so her adjusted age is really 9 months. I decided to do as he said and have had great progress except for one thing. My routine at night with her is to give her a bath, get her dressed for bed, then a bottle then she goes to sleep. I can't get her to take ANYTHING except a bottle to go to bed. I've tried the playtex sippy cup, the nuby sippy (which she loves during the day, but hates at night), she always had...

Talking about Sex

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13 answers

Pregnancy Nursing and Weaning

I have a 13 month old son who nurses before naps and bedtime and often wakes a night and wants to nurse. I am 11 weeks pregnant with baby #2, and my midwife suggested that by 20 weeks nursing and being pregnant will be h*** o* me, and I may want to consider weaning my son. I have all ready been thinking about 100% weaning and attempting night weaning, but am having a hard time following through with not nursing him at night (it is the fastest way to get him back to sleep and I have been SO TIRED), and don't really know how and when...