Cow's Milk: Nystatin

Results 1-10 from 97 articles

Nystatin for Yeast Diaper Rash Making It Worse???

J.C. asks from Medford

My nine month old was diagnosed monday with a yeast diaper rash. She was prescribed nystatin cream to be applied four times daily. We started putting it on right aw...


What to Do About Yeast Infection in an 8 Week Old?

R.R. asks from New York

My 8 week old son has had an yeast infection since he was born., The doctor prescribe Nystatin which helps temporarily with the diaper rash but it keeps on coming bac...


Help with Thrush

M.G. asks from Washington DC

My 6 month old son has had thrush on the inside of his mouth for about 3 months. I've gone through 3 bottles of Nystatin. It controls it, but just doesn't seem to fi...


Diaper Rash That Won't GO AWAY!

B.J. asks from Fort Myers

I took my daughter in last week to see the pediatrician about a nasty diaper rash. She prescribed Nystatin because she said it was a yeast rash from her taking antibi...


Itchy Vaginal Area

A.B. asks from Tulsa

My 5 yr old granddaughter has had severe itching in her vaginal area for now going on 3 weeks. So severe, the school called because she kept scratching and holding h...


14Month Old W/ Diaper Rash

A.S. asks from Miami

My daughter is 14 months old, and has really never had diaper rash, even since newborn. Maybe a handful of times that cleared up within a day or so. However, the last...


Rash That Won't Go Away

D.A. asks from New York

I am a foster parent to an 8 month old girl. While we were on vacation (the last 10 days of April) she stayed at another home and when we got her back she had this r...


Seeking Advice on Chronic Diaper Rash

A.Z. asks from Chicago

My son has been getting recurrent diaper rashes that are terrible! I have tried every diaper cream out there, Triple Paste, Desitin, A&D, Balmex, But Paste, Aveeno, C...


7Yr Old Son/ Im a First Time Mom Need Good Promising Advice..??

J.F. asks from Atlanta

How can i get my 7 yr old to pass a bowel movement? He keeps locking his legs and tighting his butt cheeks together to keep it in instead of letting it come out... I ...


External Vaginal Itching. HELP!

C.G. asks from New York

I had itching begin while pg and my son is 18 months old and it continues. i have been to the gyno several times. no yeast infection and prescribed topical cremes, ny...