Coughs: Infant, Nuby

Results 1-10 from 13 articles

What to Put in a Bottle When Baby Has a Fever?

S.K. asks from South Bend

Hello everyone. My 15 month old son has been running a fever since Wednesday night. It's been a low-to-medium grade fever... goes up and down as the tylenol takes e...


Baby Not Fond of a Bottle (Or Pacifier)

B.C. asks from Tampa

I am a Mom of five weeks old baby girl. My daughter latched on perfectly from day 1. She is stil on demand with big appetite. I am planning on breastfeeding as longes...


Help! My Baby Won't Hold His Own Bottle!

J.D. asks from Bangor

My son Jack will be a year old on 9/17. Hard to imagine! I've always had feeding problems with him, as he is not the most enthusiastic eater. Here's our latest dilemm...


Too Early for a Sippy Cup

S. asks from Chicago

I am on WIC (women and infant program) and the nurse (or assistant not sure exactly what she is) told me to start giving my 6 month old daughter juice. She told me to...


Help!!! Teething?

A.F. asks from Elkhart

I need some help and quick. My 5 month old Will not take his bottle. Ive tried different flows, I tried to syringe feed him even. When I offer him the bottle he start...


What to Do?

R.W. asks from Mansfield

i have a one year old baby girl.shes wonderful in many ways..i have a few issues tho that i need help understanding. this is my 3rd child but i have never been thru t...


Advise on 2 Year Old Tantrums and the Darn Bottle

R.S. asks from Kansas City

My daughter just started displaying this new tantrum technique. She gets very angry, cries, agressively flicks her hands and fingers together and starts to cough and...


Sippy Cup Advice

L.B. asks from San Francisco

My husband and I have started introducing a sippy cup to our 7 mo old son at meals, and he seems to only be interested in chewing the nipple instead of sucking from i...


Will Not Drink Milk Out of Sippy Cup

D.T. asks from San Francisco

My one year old will not drink milk out of a sippy cup, he will drink it out of a bottle. He does drink water out of his sippy cup but not milk.


1 Year Old Waking up Throughout the Night

S.H. asks from Cleveland

Hello moms! My 1 year old has been waking up more frequently at night, usually taking a bottle and then going back to sleep. By this age, how long should he be able...