Cough & Cold: Infant, Albuterol

Results 61-70 from 365 articles

Cough & X-rays Hand in Hand?

N.P. asks from Chicago

It seems that my son has inherited my trait of whenever having a slight cold, it goes into his chest. This past fall he had a slight case of pneumonia and was on bre...


2 Year Old with Chronic Cough Til She Vomits- Any Remedies??

T.P. asks from Salinas

I have a 2 year old baby girl with a cough that just won't go away. She doesn't have any other symptoms either. She had a cold about a week or more prior to the cough...


Should My 12 Week Old Take Amoxicillin for Cough???

K.A. asks from Dallas

My 12 week old son went to the Dr. this morning bc he's had a runny nose and has also began coughing. He could barely sleep last night and pretty much needs to be hel...


Is There Any Medicine I Can Give My One Year-old for Her Cough That Actually Wor

N.P. asks from New York

My daughter has had a horrible cough for over a week and all the doctor says we can give her his Honey it's obviously not curing her cough and it keeps her up all nig...


Breathing Problems in Infant. Asthma? Croup?

K.L. asks from Savannah

I am waiting for a nurse to call me back so I thought I would ask on here as well. My9 month old+ son has a cold and he woke up from his nap breathing with a high pi...


My 11 Wk Old Son Has a Bad Cough and Congestion

M.P. asks from Los Angeles

My 11 week old son is sick yet again. This time he has a really bad dry/wet cough (sort of like the crupe, but different). He started with a dry cough and now has b...


Seeking Pediatrician for Infant Breathing Issues and Snoring

B.D. asks from Dallas

My son has had a persistent cough and wheezing for the last 2 months. He's been treated with prednisone twice and once we get off of it, his problem comes back. Las...


Sick Baby Coughing

A.L. asks from Bellingham

My 6 month old baby is coughing so hard she is vomiting and it has been getting worse over the last 3 days, I have already taken her to the emergency room once and th...


Chronic Cough / Cold (Or Allergies) in 10 Month Old

J.C. asks from Fort Wayne

Our little girl has had cold-like symptoms on and off since January. She may go a few weeks and be fine and then she gets it back. The last month has been worse wit...


Coughing Three Year Old - Constant Wet Cough

S.D. asks from Richmond

Has anyone else child been coughing a lot here lately. My son and I for the last 3 weeks, has had nonstop coughing. I'm better with the help of prednisone, antibiot...