Constipation: Toddler, The First Years

Results 11-20 from 182 articles

12 Month Old Allergic to Milk?

L.H. asks from Albuquerque

Hello moms! My 12 month old recently made the switch to organic whole milk. He has been having a major problem with constipation and then diarrhea. Then, after his ...


15 Month Old on Alimentum

C.M. asks from Knoxville

My 15 month old daughter is back on 100% Alimentum after trying whole milk, soy milk, rice milk, and special toddler formula. All caused severe constipation and pers...


Shouldn't a 18 Month Old Sleep Through the Night?

V.D. asks from Salt Lake City

Ever since my 18 month old daughter started eating baby food it's been a nightmare to feed her. Now that she's 18 months old and she had 12 teeth I can't find anythi...


Need Advice on Taking 20 Month Old off Bottle

S.H. asks from Fresno

My name is S.. I've recently decided to take my daughter off the bottle, so before i'm off to school she'll be using a cup. But i've been struggling. I need help!!! W...


Food Ideas for 18 Month Old

P.C. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Ladies, My son is 18 months old and lately has not been eating as much as normal. He is healthy and on track for his weight. I am not so worried about the fact...


Ok I'm a Little Freaked Out That My 13 Month Old Is Sleeping Too Much

C.G. asks from Dallas

I was very happy that my baby girl was a sleepy head like her mamma but my mother has been making comments over and over that my 13 month old is sleeping too much and...


16 Month Old with Acid Reflux

M.M. asks from Appleton

Just wanted to know if there was anyone who has a young child with acid reflux. I talked to my daughters pediatrician, he told me to give her antacids. I am worried...


Weaning My 6 Month Old

A.W. asks from Phoenix

I plan on starting to wean my daughter after she turns 6 months old next week. I have about a 3 months supply of breastmilk frozen and plan on pumping until my suppl...


14 Month Old Will Not Drink Regular Milk

G.B. asks from Anchorage

I've had to stop breastfeeding due to meds that I have to take. My daughter refuses to drink regular milk. Her doctor suggested diluting the milk with water. I've ...


5 Month Old Spits up Everything.

S.C. asks from Cincinnati

I have a 5 month old boy who has been excessivly spitty from birth. The doctor has said as long as he is happy spitty and gaining weight he is fine. Spitting up does ...