Constipation: Infant, Gerber

Results 41-50 from 828 articles

Constipation from Antibiotics

L.L. asks from Austin

My three year old has been on antibiotics for strep throat. He was on one round that didn't cure it so now he just began his second round of another kind. However, he...


My One Month Old Is Constipated Again

S.H. asks from Hartford

My son is one month old yesterday. He was constipated last week and the doctor told me to give him one oz water with one oz gerber apple juice. I did and it worked bu...



A. asks from Dallas

My 2 month old son has reflux so he's always on more that one kind of meds so he's constipated most of the time. does anyone have any relief suggestions that might he...


Constipation in Toddlers

L.G. asks from Austin

My 18 month-old has been having constipation issues since I stopped breastfeeding 2 months ago. I've tried introducing more fiber into her diet & avoiding foods that...



R.L. asks from San Francisco

My 9 month old seems to be constipated. She hasn't had a full poop in two days and just made a little one right now but it's minimal and hard. Any suggestions


Constipated 7 Month Old

C.W. asks from Mobile

My 7 month old gets constipated just about every time I introduce a new solid to him. I don't like to use suppostories. Any other suggestions?



C.T. asks from Detroit

My daughter has been constipated for a few weeks. She cries and strains when she poops and there are specks of blood. She refuses to drink water despite my attempts....


Infant Constipation

M.S. asks from Washington DC

My 2 week old seems to be constipated at times. is there anything I can do from home to help make his bowel movements less painful?



V.Z. asks from Washington DC

My little guy is having some serious problems going to the bathroom. He is almost 1.... in just 2 weeks !He usually has no problems leaving several little surprises t...


My Baby Just Started Solids and She's So Constipated!

L.L. asks from Pittsburgh

My daughter is 4 months and 3 weeks. I just started giving her a little bit of rice cereal and baby food. She became so constipated! The pediatrician said to switch t...