Cloth Diapers: Infant, BumGenius

Results 1-10 from 409 articles

Bumgenius Cloth Diapers

K.R. asks from Denver

I use Bumgenius 4.0 diapers with my little guy. However, he has a diaper rash (I think because of teeth), and I was wondering if there was a diaper cream that will w...


bumGenius Cloth Diapers?

S.S. asks from Glens Falls

Has anyone used the bumGenius cloth diapers? Good or bad experiences? Any other brands you would recommend? (Preferably ones that do not require you to buy the flus...


bumGenius And Other Cloth Diaper Options

L.B. asks from Dayton

I am interested in CDing my first baby, due in August. I have been thinking about the bumGenius one-size diapers but am not sure how many I will need for a typical da...


Cloth Diapers - BumGenius - New Born ?

J.K. asks from Philadelphia

Hello Ladies, I have a question for you regarding the BumGenius cloth diapers. Currnetly i use the BG3.0 on my DS (21ms). I LOVE this product. I am due in decem...


Laundering Prefolds and Bumgenius Cloth Diapers

L.L. asks from Seattle

I am using cloth diaper and I am very happy with how it is going thus far. My daughter is 3 weeks old and exclusively breast fed. I am using the prefolds and covers...


Cloth Diapers

K.R. asks from Denver

I'm looking into using the bumgenius 4.0 cloth diapers. What do you do with them until you wash them. How does the diaper pail system work? Any advice on snaps vs ...


Cloth Diapers?

Y.R. asks from Houston

Would you recommend cloth diapers? Which manufacture? Why?


Cloth Diapers

K.C. asks from Columbus

Does anyone use bumGenius cloth diapers? If so, how do you care for yours? Do you use a particular detergent or cycle? The web site says to use detergent free from p...


Cloth Diapers

A.D. asks from Dallas

Does anybody use cloth diapers? I am the only mom I know who doesn't use some sort of disposable diapers and sometimes I feel a lack of support. We use the Bumgeniu...


Cloth Diapers

A.B. asks from Detroit

Does anyone use cloth diapers or have any recommendations? I want to use cloth diapers with my baby due in June and I am clueless which ones are good.