Child Sleep Issues: Toddler, SwaddleMe

58 articles

Is This Ok?

A.F. asks from Fayetteville

Is it ok to let son cry in crib? My husband and I have fed, changed, cuddled, and burped him. He hates the crib but we don't want him getting used to sleeping in the ...



S.B. asks from Atlanta

My 4 1/2 month old son has been sleeping, while swaddled, through the night since 6 weeks. He has always slept great during the night and during all naps! However, ...


Ferber Method

A.C. asks from Los Angeles

I'm curious if anybody out there has any negative feedback on the Ferber Method, other than the crying. I know advocates of it say it's the best decision they ever m...


First Time Mom-to-be Overwhelmed with All the Products!

D.N. asks from Raleigh

Hi Moms, I am a first time mom-to-be (14 weeks) and have been researching the many products out there for babies. I am basically seeking advice about any and all ...


Swaddle Weening Help!!!

M.P. asks from Provo

I have a 5 month year old son who is getting to be to big for ANY swaddle (he is either off the charts of in the 95th%) and I can't afford to keep trying new ones tha...


When to Unswaddle?

P.S. asks from Philadelphia

Hello. My daughter is 6 weeks old and I swaddle her at night. However, during the night when I finish breastfeeding her, I put her on my shoulder to burp and she us...


New Mom

L.S. asks from Charlotte

Hi, My newborn son Isaac (10 days old) is really good -- most everyone thinks he is an angel b/c of how mobile he is and how well he does throughout the day. He l...


What Should I Pack for Hospital Stay?

L.L. asks from Hartford

Almost 35 weeks and thinking I should start putting together a bag to take with me when I deliver. I am a scheduled c-section, but things don't always go as planned :...