Car Seats: Toddler, Saline Drops

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29 answers

My 2 Month Son Is Very Congested!!

Hello. My newborn son is about a week from 2 months now...and is very congested. Although he is my 3rd child I can't seem to get him to get rid of his congestion! I'm already using a humidifier in the room, and using saline drops in his nose. I called the Dr. and she said as long as he's not running a fever (which he isn't) to just continue what I'm doing. So is what I would like is suggestions of what other moms are doing to help their babies breathe better. Something, anything I feel bad for him especially at night. That seems to be...


7Wk Old with Cold

My 7wk old boy has his first cold and is vary stuffed up. I have a...