C-section: Toddler, Ameda

Results 1-10 from 25 articles

Just Had C-section, Been Pumping Milk for My Baby but Not Muchl

A.F. asks from Stationed Overseas

I want to breast feed my son but I am having problems producing milk. I am pumping right now because my son was 5 weeks early and he's still in the hospital. He is do...


Breast Pumps

A.S. asks from Memphis

I am scheduled to have a C-section Oct 9th. I am also wanting to attempt breastfeeding but looking for a good pump that works for when i return - Any suggestions? Th...


Breast Pumps

A.U. asks from Dallas

I am having a new baby on April 17th and this will be my first time to breastfeed. My water ruptured on 3-28, so needless to say we have been in hospital since then a...


Picking a Pump

J.T. asks from Salt Lake City

I am currently pregnant with number two and i really want to try and breastfeed for longer then a week, like with my daughter. Due to my c-section and she was in the ...


How Did You Cope the First Couple Months?

K.J. asks from New York

I'm not sure I'd call what I'm feeling postpartum depression ... I think baby blues is probably more accurate. In any case, I am finding the first couple weeks of my...


Seeking Support from Breastfeeding Mothers with Slow Weight Gain Babies

T.B. asks from Miami

*** If you are not breast feeding, or do not support breast feeding, or do not have experience with a baby who gains weight slow, please do not respond. I'm looking ...


Urgent Help with Sore Nipples After Only 15 Days of Breastfeeding

L.L. asks from Los Angeles

I had my baby 15 days ago; I needed to have a C-section 48 hours after my water broke. My baby boy breastfed 30 minutes after being born while I was still in recovery...


Plano Mom Looking for Good Breast Pump

C.W. asks from Dallas

I'm looking for any advise on a Breast pump. Where do I get one? What's the best one and should I rent or buy if we are not having any other children?


Working Moms: Feeding/Sleep Schedule

H.L. asks from San Francisco

When you went back to work, did you put your baby on a set feeding/sleeping schedule? I'm headed back next week (unfortunately) and am not sure what to do. My da...


Going to Attempt to Breastfeed

L.H. asks from Fayetteville

I am currently around 30 weeks pregnant with my second child and did not breast feed my first, but will have the chance with this one and am wondering if I should wai...