Bottles & Sippies: Infant, Ameda

Results 31-40 from 51 articles

Domperidone and Milk Supply

P.M. asks from San Francisco

I have been struggling to get my milk supply up- my baby is about 7 weeks old and not a great nurser, plus I think my supply is just low to begin with. I'm seeing a l...


Manual pumps...Opinions?

K.M. asks from Columbus

Hi, everyone! I am due with my 2nd baby in November and am already thinking about the whole breastfeeding thing. I wanted to start my research early this time since ...


Pumping Enough Milk Retutning to Work

J.S. asks from Washington DC

I am returning to work in 5 weeks. I have started to punp once a day to get some breastmilk stored up for use at daycare. I am worried that there is not enough milk...


BPA Free Bottles (Namely MilkBank and Breastflow)

B.C. asks from Chicago

Hi Mommies! I'm nearly 20 weeks pregnant with my second baby and will breastfeed again. It was a wonderful experience with my first and I'm so proud of myself for...


Need Advice About Breast Pumps

E.K. asks from Tampa

Hi. This is my first pregnancy and I am looking for some advice about breast pumps. I am already at home, and will remain at home once I have our son. I plan to br...


Manual Breastpump

A.B. asks from Dallas

My Medela electric breast pump was stolen out of my car Sunday night. I really can't afford to spend that much money on another pump, so I wanted to see if anyone cou...


Medela Pump Tubing

R.C. asks from Milwaukee

I have the In Style breast pump from Medela. I'm having a hard time cleaning the tubing. They get full of condensation and then start to mold. I run the pump after...



C.S. asks from Pittsburgh

Hello Moms!! I am seeking advice on a couple of things. I have a 2 1/2 year old son and I am expecting my second around the first of April. I breastfed my first so...


Breast Pumps.

C.T. asks from Gainesville

Just wondering what you wonderful women/mothers like(d) and use(d) . Manual vs. automatic. I am a stay at home mom. and plan of strctly breast feeding. I also know th...


Help! Pumping for the First Time! Need Advice!

N.S. asks from New York

I was lucky enough not have to pump for my first two kids. They both started daycare at 1, which meant that I didn't have to worry about pumping or sending bottles to...